Design, Visualization & Photography

Live from Berlin

What is it like to live and work in the Hauptstadt? A Canadian designer’s unique perspective on finding work and having fun in Berlin.



Just briefly before we get to the canal, here is a view in Mitte, just off Unter den Linden. Okay, onto the rest.

I would say it's been a pretty successful weekend overall. Yesterday we went to Prenzlauer Berg just to do something new and see a new part of the city. As with everything in Berlin outside the center, it felt very hip. Almost too hip. Almost like it was so hip that it was no longer hip to hang out there. And there was a lot of quiche on offer--a good thing, but also making the cafes suspiciously alike in their hipness.

Earlier this week we had some friends visiting for a university trip from Lund's master in sustainable urbanism program. I tagged along on the pretense that I might learn something about urban design in Berlin but mostly it was trying to walk briskly enough for The Nutty Professor who was leading the group, and answering questions about who I was and what I was doing there. In the end I didn't see anything especially fascinating, but it was a welcome distraction from the job hunt.

Speaking of which, I have 2 interviews coming up. One is tomorrow morning, the other is next Monday. It would be pretty fantastic to land a job with the place I'm going tomorrow, even if I do question their judgement in forming a close-knit working relationship with BIG. 

It would be really nice to afford brunch sometimes.... and to start making plans about what happens after December (when my supply of ready cash runs out). So let's all think positive thoughts for me. Thanks!