Design, Visualization & Photography

Copenhagen +|-

The happiest nation on earth: is it too good to be true? Spoiler: yes. An architecture student’s experiences with those crazy Danishes in Copenhagen while studying at the Kunstakademiets Arkitektskole.

Drinking in Denmark: Covered by the State

Breaking news in Denmark:


a) Injuries resulting from being drunk at a staff christmas party will be compensated.


If your drunken shenanigans at the office Christmas party leave you with a broken arm because you danced like a sick maniac, you're more than likely to be covered by your company's insurance.

The workers’ compensation act clearly states that injuries sustained during the office Christmas party are generally covered by the employer’s insurance, according to local newspaper

Here is a guide to the legislation.


b) Topless sunshine girl kiboshed by apple:

“This is madness,” said Ekstra Bladet editor-in-chief Poul Madsen. “There’s absolutely nothing pornographic or offensive about her.”


Madsen has refused to take the Page 9 Girl out of the iPad version of Ekstra Bladet. “She is part of the soul of the paper. She’s a breath of fresh air, a ray of sunshine in a daily reality that is usually filled with violence and crime.”


He accused Apple of unfair censorship and anti-competitive behaviour, since the paper cannot be published in its entirety in Apple’s iPad format.


“The page 9 girl is not investigative journalism, but it is still an expression of how we perceive the freedom of speech in this country,” said Madsen, who’s willing to take the matter to the courts, if necessary.




I live in this country. It exists.

No wonder my kitchen is littered with wine bottles.