Future Landscapes

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Drawing Big

From Wednesday to Friday we had a visiting critic from the London Met. He's a very knowledgable architect who has done extensive research on the concept of place-making.

Both Daniel (the critic) and my supervisor were united in the view that I need to draw bigger and show my ideas in context. I see what they're saying--I tend to stick to a page format (A3 size) because it is cheap and easy to print on. But my ideas then get compressed to fit a page size instead of taking up the space they need to develop.

To remedy this: I went to the supply store and bought an A2 sized newsprint drawing pad, some new contes and charcoals, and then took the extreme measure of buying a roll of fabriano 120g paper.... 1.5m by 10m long. I think that it is longer than my apartment, but I'm not afraid. It reminds me of back when I was taking drawing classes at UofC, and my instructor would choose people who had to draw on 40x60" paper for that class. If you can accurately render a live model's ass at 1:1 in chalk pastel, you can really do anything.

So today I am going to unroll my paper upstairs, roll up my sleeves, and get a bit back into drawing. Results to be posted later :)