Future Landscapes

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Mid Crit #2

Today we had the second midterm critique, which is actually the penultimate review in Canadian terms. This is the time you figure out the total reaction to your project as a whole and make adjustments towards the final proposal.

I'm feeling pretty happy to say that things went well :)

The overall strategies and concepts were warmly received, with suggestions that echoed my own feelings about what needed still some work. I wish I could post some drawings here but it's been such a busy time, I just don't have the moments to scan all my work....

So these next three weeks are all about refining details and showing clearly all the proposal in my major drawings... and improving the visualizations I have, and working on telling the story coherently in my poster. It seems like a lot, which makes me nervous. But I know that this is the only time I'll ever have to work on a project which is solely of my own creating and nurturing. So I want to put love into everything I do.

Some visuals - composite of el Crapo renders from v-ray and photoshop magnificence. Can you believe i actually modeled grass in rhino? I must be losing my mind faster than I thought. This is never happening again.

You have no idea how long it took me to get to the point where I could add a 20cm platform to the edge of the lakes. No idea.